January 27th, 2008, 19:14 Posted By: zx-81

Hi All,
Here is the final version of PSPSim the SamCoupé Emulator for PSP.
For those who haven't seen previous versions, SimCoupe emulates a SAM Coupe
an 8-bit, Z80-based home computer released in 1989 by Miles Gordon Technology.
For more information on the machine itself, including history and technical specification
you can go on http://www.simcoupe.org
What's new in version 1.2.1 :
- Many optimizations to speed up the emulation in
z80, video and sound emulation part.
Many games are now fullspeed (50 fps) even at 222Mhz !!
- Many new render modes and screen size options
(normal, fit, max etc ...)
- The emulator window can now be moved to fit the screen properly
- Add new hotkeys to setup render mode etc ...
- Bug fix in the low battery watchdog
- RTrigger/LTrigger keys can be used in the keyboard
settings menu to navigate between Normal, LTrigger
and RTrigger compose mapping.
- Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu
(useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)
- Code cleaning
* Big big thanks to Nick666 *
How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.
Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public license,
read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.
You can find it on my blog :
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