1. PSPSeq 2.11, a PSP homebrew application for writing music, is now available for download. PSPSeq contains a wide variety of audio synthesis, sample-playback, and FX modules along with a flexible step sequencer for creating loops and songs. the latest version contains both bug fixes and new features to enable you to more quickly and efficiently write music. this program, along with sample loops and songs, can be downloaded here:
2. the first release on the PSP-music netlabel Running Jump Records is available for download. the name of the EP is Moon Glider and it is recorded by HS, the founder of this netlabel. all songs were written completely within PSPSeq. mp3s and all source files necessary to recreate these songs (PSPSeq saved data and WAV files) are available and can be downloaded here:
HS is currently accepting submissions for future release on Running Jump Records. it is open to users of all PSP music making applications (PSPRhythm, PSPSeq, PSPKick, and Traxxpad). additional information can be found at the Running Jump site or by contacting HS directly at hakyoku [at] gmail (dot) com.