Heres the info :New release (It's been over a month since the last release.. a first for PSPRadio):
0.38.10 (r1159)
NOTE: If a plugin stops responding, try L+R+START (should take you back to PSPRadio)
0.38.10 (r1159) (2006-05-19)
(raf) Core/(Links2): Updated/enhanced pthreads implementation.
(raf) Core/SHOUTcast: The SHOUTcast request string can now be specified in the configuration file.
(sandberg) Dyn/Core: -Prepared the plugin framework for game plugins.
(sandberg) Dyn/Retawq: -Modified Retawq plugin to use danzeff for inputs.
(raf) Dyn: If plugin load fails because of lack of memory, then the message displayed on the screen will say so.
(raf) Dyn/Code: Now PSPRadio allocates 6MB instead of 8MB or RAM. This to give more RAM to plugins.
(danzel) Core: Added lite version to danzeff library.
(sandberg) Core: Added GU version to danzeff library.
(raf) Dyn/Retawq: -Updated code to take advantage of changes to newlib (for pipes/file descriptors/sockets)
(raf) Dyn/Retawq: -Cleaned up the code to make it easier to update when a new version of retawq is available.
(raf) Calling network termination functions before exit -- hope this helps exit when using eLoader.
(raf) When a socket closed, writestring() would keep trying to send, and keep reporting errors, filling up the event queue, and causing pspradio to exit. Thanks PSP KEVIN for the report.