Raf and the rest of the PSPRadio Dev Team have released a new preview version of the internet radio client for the PSP.
What's new:
0.38.03 (r767) (2006-02-03)
(sandberg) 3DUI: Messages from the PSPRadio (e.g. when downloading the list from shoutcast.com) are now shown in a separate panel. (r746)
(sandberg) 3DUI: The UI now supports 4 different fonts (Lists, Scroller, System info and Messages/Errors). (r747)
(sandberg) 3DUI: Both messages and errors are now displayed using the native panels, scaled to fit the message length. (r748)
(sandberg) 3DUI: Support for colored native panels has been added, which is used for the message and error panels. (r748)
(raf) TextUI: Now clock format is still compatible and configurable as in 0.37-Final. New mode added (0). If set to that in the config file, then the format is retrieved from the system configuration. (r752)
(raf) Core: Now MP3 report the current elapsed time (r755)
(raf) TextUI: Added support to display current (implemented) and total (not implemented) time of the playing stream. (r755)
(raf) Core: Now total time is also calculated for MP3s (VBR MP3 will probably show wrong data). (r756)
(sandberg) Core: Added support for visualization effects has been added. (r757)
(sandberg) 3DUI: Visualization panel added the the 3DUI. (r757)
(sandberg) 3DUI: Added support for using different skins on the main panels and the message/error panels. (r757)
(raf) Core: OGG Files now also report their time (r758)
(raf) Core: Switched from Tremor to regular OGG Vorbis library (slower, but may solve issues with ogg processing) (r759)
(sandberg) 3DUI: Added support for displaying current and total time for local files. (r760)
(sandberg) 3DUI: Update to r760 to handle the case where the total time isn't known. (r761)
(sandberg) 3DUI: Cleanup of the graphics (new fonts, panels etc.). (r762)
(raf) Core/TextUI: Now the system differientiates between the selected(highlighted) track, and the currently playing track. This is shown using different colors on the TextUI. (r764)
(sandberg) 3DUI: Background modified to include space for the playtime/total time. (r763)
(raf) Core: Changed versioning scheme. Hopefully less people will be confused now...
(raf) TextUI: The folder of the currently playing track is now highlighted. (r766)
(sandberg) Core/3DUI: Rearranged the order of the VBlank operations to remove some of the jitter on the UI. (r745)
(sandberg) Core: [ Bug #6256 ] WiFi logging is always enabled (r754)
(raf) Core: Fixed a bunch of small issues related to pausing/playing/changing tracks both using the buttons and HPRM. The current implementation should be a lot more reliable/intuitive. (r766)