Posted By: wraggster
Wow todays sees an updated release for the PSP from Sleeper and M@x which basically allows you to play mobile java games on your PSP.
Heres the release details
This is a kvm to run j2me applications on PSP.
Copy "pspkvm" and "pspkvm%" to GAME150 folder.
Start PSPKVM and select a .jar file in the Memory stick to run.
The defualt device is SE K800i, user can press Triangle to select another device, such as Nokia S60, Motolora Triplets, and etc.
Key mapping:
Up -> NUM2
Left -> NUM4
Right -> NUM6
Down -> NUM8
AnalogStick -> D-pad
Cross -> NUM0
Square -> NUM1
Triangle -> NUM3
Circle -> NUM5
L+Square -> NUM7
L+Triangle -> NUM9
SELECT -> L-Soft
START -> R-Soft
L+Circle -> SELECT
L -> *
R -> #
L+R+Cross -> Red-key(terminate current application)

Supported APIs:
a part of nokia UI
Proposed Supporting APIs:
nokia UI
2008-01-11 23:00 v0.5.0
Completely new designed Virtual Keyboard (Great thanks to Anweifeng, who is the designer and coder of new Virtual Keyboard)
Support JSR226(SVG) and JSR172(Web Service)
Optimized interpreter loop of VM, JB2 score improves 25%
Bug fix and improvement in networking
Support user defined Truetype font size by pspkvm.ini
Add CPU speed setting in "Select device" menu
Download this awesome release via Comments and Give Your Feedback and let us know what games work on the PSP