According to a report by the BBC, Sony's PSP console is finally going to delve into the realm of cross-platform, worldwide content access. A moderately-demanded feature for gamers, the report quotes Sony Computer Entertainment Europe spokesman Jonathan Fargher.
"We're hoping to incorporate that functionality in the very near future - from a local level at the moment to a global level probably within the next six months." He extrapolates, "If I have my MP3 Walkman or my iPod, or digital camera connected to PS3 then I can access those devices, too."
The functionality Fargher is referring to is the PSP's built-in wifi capabilities and therefore the PSP's potential for proper online, cross-platform content sharing, beyond the basic online features currently available to the owners of the system.
We will be keen to see exactly how accurate Fargher's comments are as the months creep closer to his "six months" prediction.