May 8th, 2006, 00:32 Posted By: tsurumaru

The Standard Version for v2.0+ Owners has been updated, heres why:
[FIX] Speed issue for non-me version and sound emulated modes.
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Yoyofr has posted the following on his Site/Forums.
Official release of SNES9x TYL V0.4
s9xTYL 0.4 ...... is released! 
Heres whats new in the latest version of the Best Snes emulator for the PSP:
main new features :
- adhoc 2 players mode. both player need to launch the same rom
- full sound emulation on media engine for ME version
- new GUI
- small fixes for lots of stuff
- SPC player
- seems however slower when launched in no sound (not emulated) mode, perhaps related to the latest pspsdk... have to analyze this.
Since v0.3, there's 2 versions :
- standard, running in user mode, allowing firmware 2.0+ psp.
- me, running in kernel mode and using the Media Engine for sound mixing, only working on firmware 1.0 & 1.5 psp.
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<blockquote>Source code leaked
The source code of the emulator has been leaked through some people which found how to download it from the official web site. (I have contacted yoyo, but he is probably still sleeping right now and anyway the damage is done)
While it is not TOO MUCH of a trouble (but we dont agree with it neither ok ?). We are wondering about SECURITY PROBLEM.
Downloading already compiled binary from our official site garantee you that the program will NOT do something REALLY BAD to your PSP.(it may be a buggy and crashy emulator sometime :-), but it will NEVER BREAK your PSP)
So, this is a message to the whole PSP community.
Please do NOT download binaries of TYL that you don't know where it is coming from...
We at PSP News/DCEmu agree with Yoyofr that stealing of code ruins the PSP Scene.
Download this excellent emulator and Leave Feedback Via Comments
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