Raf and the PSP Radio Team have released a new pre release version of their streaming music application for the PSP, heres te release details:
-This version of PSPRadio has reduced memory allocation to allow links2 to work (links is very memory hungry, specially if images are enabled.. you may need to disable images for your favorite website to work....)
-It includes Danzeff OSK (Thanks Danzel!)
-The 'homepage' has some pointers on how to use it....
-If it runs out of memory it may take you to the red screen; you will need to kill it (L+R+START) to go back to pspradio.
-priorities still need to be tweaked so that music can be listened right while browsing
-go to file: OS SHELL to switch back to PSPRadio, then select the links2 plugin again to get back to the browser.
-the mouse cursor will ocasionally leave traces. just "left click" on a blank spot of the screen to clear it out.