Raf and the PSP Radio Team have once again updated their Wifi Streaming Music app for the PSP, heres whats new:
What's new:
0.38.09 (r1025) (2006-04-06)
(raf) Dyn/Retawq: tips can be overriden with your own html. Just replace APP_Retawq/tips.html!
(raf) Dyn/Dev: New export to allow for plugins to access the sound device buffer (for visualization plugins).
(raf) Dyn/Core: When the key combo for killing plugins is used, now the plugin will be unloaded as well (L+R+START). (A red -exception- screen may flash will unloading the plugin.. this is expected atm.)
(raf) Core: Rename directories per HalfastII directions so that corrupted icons don't get displayed on f/w 1.5.
(raf) Dyn/Core: Plugins are now automatically unloaded when they exit.
(raf) Core: Networking. Network profile enumeration code modification. Based on idea from Danzel from ps2dev forums. This may help people who's profile wasn't showing up.
(raf) Dyn/Core: No longer tries to 'continue' a plugin if 'Off' is selected.
(raf) Dyn/Core: Now plugin giveup access code is better handled. Retawq can switch to pspradio now seamlessly. (Select the running plugin again to return to the plugin.)
(raf/ditlew) Core: If F/W 2.6 is detected, don't poll for HPRM. This allows PSPRadio to work on 2.6 via eLoader.
(raf) Core: On exit, just call the game exit syscall. This may prevent the app from crashing when on eLoader. (It still hangs on 2.6)
(raf) Dyn/Core: Corrected bug that would cause FSS plugins to report error when loading even if they loaded correctly.
(raf) Dyn/Retawq: Reduced most of the drawing issues by decreasing the number of columns by 1.