Posted By: wraggster
Emvivre has posted the release of Quake 3 Server for the PSP, heres some details from the readme:
I readed the Quake 3 server source code and I thinked it will be good to the see a Quake 3 server on a PSP. Then, I ported it to PSP. So, it's just the server side. No client.
I tested the Quake 3 server on a PSP firmware 1.5 : it's work ! For others firmware, I don't know
I didn't change many thinks on the original source code, I just ported the code for the PSP. There isn't interface yet, for configure the server you must edit the q3config.cfg and for administrate the running server you must use rcon command.
Unfortunately 4 maps don't works : q3dm11, q3dm12, q3ctf2 and q3ctf3. There produce a Hunk_Alloc failed because there isn't enough memory

So it'sn't a final version.
Download Quake 3 PSP server without any pk3
Download Quake 3 PSP server with some pk3 but without pak0.pk3
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