August 19th, 2007, 23:26 Posted By: TacticalPenguin
Straight from my blog:
I finally finished PSP Tower Defense; yay!
What it has:
-Menu with instructions,credits, level select, level deleter (in case you made one you don't like) and level maker
-menu background is a slideshow of screenshots
-an on-psp complete GUI level maker. basically ev. a. ree. thing. is customizable ; the path the creeps (guys you shoot at) take, what kind of creeps there are, how much health they have, how fast they move, how much money they're worth, how many of them come, how fast they come, what kinds of turrets there are, how much damage they do, how fast they shoot, how far they shoot, how much they cost, how many waves of creeps there are, what creeps each wave has, how many lives you have, how long between waves, how much money you start with, and just in case you've customized it all a little too much, it has a nuke button too.
-money which is spent on turrets and upgrading them
-turrets can be sold; when sold they give half back
-turrets can be upgraded to increase how much damage they do
-turrets have circles around them showing how far they can shoot
-creeps have health bars over their heads showing how much health they have left
-info about the current wave is displayed at the bottom, info about the selected turret/turret to build is shown on the right side
-turrets by default shoot at the creep that has been onscreen the longest, usually also meaning the one closest to the exit
-the next wave can be sent early
-did I mention everything is customizable?
-simple to the point instructions
-has many common things for any tower defense game

A shuriken gun shooting at a creep:

A sniper turret finishing off a boss:

The levelmaker (with a path drawn):

If anybody makes some good levels and wants me to include them in the next release, email me the level's txt file (from the maps folder) and any custom images it uses and I'll check it out and possibly include it.
If you enjoy the game please vote for PSP Tower Defense in the Neoflash summer coding competition.
Be sure to check the included readme for (a lot) more info.
The download is kxploited so if you have 1.50 kernel just drop both parts in GAME, otherwise drop both parts in GAME150.
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