December 29th, 2006, 22:08 Posted By: cools
PSP Monopoly Public Beta #2 is Released!
By: XiGency, LiquiFire, & cools

Main Title Screen


This is a Two-Play Monopoly clone for the PSP. Its human vs. human (No real AI yet). 3 Major Issues (not really bugs)
- Cant Auction
- Cant buy deeds after being sent to it.
- If you land a property that you own, it will say press start to end your turn. Press Square then Start. (Don't ask...)
Controls are basic, Usually the game will tell you what to press. To bring up the menu press the L and R Trigger buttons. To select anything in the menu (or sub-menu) use Cross (X). Everything in the Menu works! Thats right! You can Buy a House, Mortgage a Property, TRADE Properties, Save the Game, and Quit! They should all be fully functional!
So the bulk of Monopoly is now done! There are a few things here and there that are missing (as noted above). I did have an MP3 Player, but it was taking up a lot of the CPU and the sound quality was bad, same result when I re-did the Mod-format Player. (Sign of Bad Code) This project will be discontinued for a while (again). I do have some plans to finish it (like fully finish with AI and stuff). If Ad-hoc does get implanted into Lua Player, I MIGHT add it to it, I really didn't want to add infrastructure (even though it would be cool) because people wouldn't stick around for the whole game. There is no end to the game! As you can see, it is possible to go into negative amounts of money! You can play the game however you want. (Play to $5000, to $-2000, all properties are sold, whatever!)
For more information and downloads, click here!
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