Posted By: wraggster
via joystiq

Were you planning on picking up a Sony PSP tomorrow from your local Gamestop or EB Games? Excellent. Were you planning on paying for it? Super excellent. As a reward for your unquestionable moral values, you'll be given a $30 discount on that purchase of "the past". You see, as of April 3, the PSP Core Pack is being marked down from $199.99 to $169.99.
Gamestop and EB Games have already received the promotional materials (as depicted above) and instructions (shown after the break) for the long overdue price drop and will no doubt have it ready to greet you within the next 24 hours. For those still wary of the giggling miasma of April Fools still lingering in the air, rest assured that we've verified this information with Gamestop. Happy PSP... ing.
Remember Play Asia are selling Pink PSPs for $159.92 until thursday.