Posted By: wraggster
UPDATE Welcome Diggers and Engadget Visitors, Tyranid has comitted a stunning new version of his PSP remote control software RemoteJoy into the development branch of the PSPDEV repository. and it allows full remote control of a PSP -- including the transfer of the display screen to your PC. Check out the full details HERE[/B]
Noxa has posted another screenshot and a little update on his PSP Emulator for Windows:

Got it to the menu... kind of. The scene animates in, but when I try to hit start it crashes.
What Games would you like to see Noxa attempt to get working on this PSP Emulator for WIndows ?
Heres a recap for those who have missed the previous news about this emulator
A coder called Noxa has posted that he has been working on his own PSP Emulator for over a year:
Firstly Heres some screens

First commercial game

There are a few things missing, like the guide lines while playing, but other than that it works! Speed is pretty good, but is being held back by some bad OpenGL code and probably some game-instructed waits that are taking too long. I actually listen when the game says 'pause for this amount of time' - maybe I should only wait for half the time requested or something. My CPU sits almost idle while playing.

Although the emulator is pretty advanced, it is also in its early stages. This means that the screenshots you see here aren't that pretty yet.
2007-05-07 - Trigonometry Wars
Fixed textures up and now trigwars runs. In fact, it runs REALLY well, and is fully playable. Cool!
2007-03-24 - PSPTris (game)
Whoa! By some form of black magic, PSPTris now runs in game! Sometimes control input is missed, and there is a random flicker here or there but other than that the game runs PERFECTLY. I have two or three things to fix (the OSK doesn't work because it does something weird, and I need to implement clipping in the video driver), but after that I can say that it works! Well, classic and original modes do, anyway. The color mode runs really slow, and I'm not sure why.