May 25th, 2006, 02:38 Posted By: wraggster
PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to announce the first 15Day Lua Coding Competition Results
Entry #1 PengBobsled v0.9
Good dodge the rocks game score 7/10
Entry #2 PSP Drug Lord
Unique build your money up game, score 8.5/10
Entry #3 PSP Game Builder
Great PSP Game Building app, score 8/10
Entry #4 BMR 1.2
DDR type game, score 7/10
Entry #5 Kramer's Lua Demo
Simple demo, score 3/10
Entry #6 Maze Thing
didnt work, score 0/10
Entry #7 GALPSP
create your own adventure game, score 7.5/10
Entry #8 Serve 'N Go
addictive game score 8/10
Entry #9 Math Facts v 1.0
nice educational title for the PSP, score 7/10
Entry #10 Cargame v0.2
racing game, score 7/10
Entry #11 Electris 1.0
Unique puzzle game my fave 9/10
So there you have it, i did write longer reviews but the bloody computer crashed and at this time of day im keeeping things short and sweet.
I would like to say a massive thanks to all entrees, there was some real gems amongst them and to be honest it was very hard to choose a winner.
Massive thanks to Lik Sang for supporting another PSP coding competition 
So for those who havent read above the winner is
Entry #11 Electris 1.0
and second place
Entry #2 PSP Drug Lord
They share the 4 prizes donated by Lik Sang winner gets to choose if he wants the cradle/battery pack or the faceplate/buttons, the runner up gets the prizes not chosen.
can the winner/runner up pm me to discuss choices/ addresses etc
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