Posted By: blackrave
luLy just made a homebrew LUA game named NDS-Killer.
What you do?
You move a Nintendo DS around the screen to make it get hit by objects such as knives to scratch it up and damage it. The more you get hit, the more points you get.
Some objects will fix the NDS, which, of course, you can't allow.
Here are some other features:
- Highscore
- Multiplayer (you need a highscore of 150 to start it)
- No Lua-Player needed
- Options
Now, don't take this game serious, it was made for pure fun, like he says himself:
"It's just [for] fun. I was searching for an enemy that every PSP-owner knows...and then I thought: what about NDS?"
Have fun crushing NDS. 
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Via luly