Hi guys !
This is my first application for the psp.
################################# WHAT IS THIS ? ###################################
This an application that lets you to watch TV in yur psp with the wifi.
It is a modification of the PSPTube that can play some streams.
Now it contains 52 TV streams.
Now it has the HighMemMod for better buffer speed but it still needs a quick
internet connection.Maybe it will need to buffer for 1-2 minutes until you
watch the channel.
################################# INSTALATION ######################################
Copy the PSP folder in the memory stick root.
You can use it with the bubbletune's game categories plugin too.

Now for the streams.
Open the folder called "streams" that contained in the archieve and you will see
some folders with names from countries.Take the channel(s) you want and put it/them
in the favorites folder in the /PSP/GAME/PSP LIVE TV/ folder.
Also there is a folder called "" that has the streams from the j13dj's version.
#################################### CHANGELOG ########################################
0.2 -> Added 24 more streams.And the HighMemMod.
0.3 -> Some bug fixes and i removed the HighMemMod cause it cuse me this bugs.
0.4 -> The HighMemMod added again and it works fine now.