Posted By: jurajstyk
PSP Hexen II ver. 1.0 is a port of Raven Software's Hexen II to the PSP. It is based on PSP Quake port by Peter Mackay and original Hexen II source code.

This is a port of Raven Software's Hexen II to the PSP. Based on PSP Quake port by Peter Mackay and original Hexen II source code released under GNU GPL License. Compiled and linked with PSPDev Environment for Win32.
- Software rendering.
- Single player game and Portal of Praevus single player game
- Sound
- Save/Load
- Console commands
- Command line commands (through 'hexen2.cmdline' file)
- Multiple screen resolutions (trough command line params)
- User made maps loading (from console or command line params)
- Demo recording and playback (from console)
- On Screen Keyboard
- Music playback
- Multi player
(creating multi player game works)
Known issues:
- No progress bar displayed when starting/loading/saving game
(disabled because of stability problems)
- Restart or reload of a current map necessary if value of console variable
'r_transwater' is changed (otherwise water surfaces will not be rendered correctly)
- User made mods with modified progs.dat files will not work
- Sprite models with width or height that is not multiple of 4 can cause game to crash
- Some weird graphical artifacts can be observed sometimes
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