March 10th, 2006, 17:09 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK have posted a load of games that are coming soon (preorders) and here they are:
James Bond 007: From Russia with Love US ver.

James Bond 007: From Russia With Love will be the first game to put players in the universe of the classic James Bond film. Set in the original 60's Bond era, the game features movie-based missions as well as original, action-intensive sequences, a broad and deep variety of gameplay, fully-integrated vehicles, social multiplayer experiences, gorgeous women, and classic, upgradeable weapons and gadgetry with modern mechanics.
Players will create and manipulate Bond in a living world based on the timeless fiction of the classic James Bond movie. Invest in your character and customize the ultimate Bond for a whole new level of gameplay options. Sean Connery, the original Bond, reprises his role as the dapper Mi6 agent in this innovative, retro-styled and highly anticipated console title from the infamous Bond franchise.

Megaman Power Up US ver.

The classic original Mega Man is back in a whole new way. This PSP remake recreates the original with a creative new super-deformed style, featuring the Blue Bomber and the evil creations of Dr. Wiley all drawn in new style that makes them cute and hyper-expressive. All of the stages and enemies have also been redesigned using computer rendering for realistic motion and detail. New features include the Mega Man Challenge 100, two new bosses, and the ability to play as the boss characters. Also included in the PSP game is a new construction mode, where you can create your own Mega Man stages and trade with others (locally or online) to challenge friends to your own dastardly creations.

World Poker Tour US ver.

Take a seat at the world's most prestigious poker tournaments with World Poker Tour 2K6. Feel what it's like to play with the world's best as you compete against real WPT players, in real-life WPT venues.
Online connectivity is a major part of playing World Poker Tour on the PSP. Gamers will have the ability to connect wirelessly with other PSP systems or online to compete against players across the country on both the PSP and the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system. New enhancements to World Poker Tour for PSP include a completely new and innovative artificial intelligence system that allows gamers to challenge more than 1,200 different characters, all with their own unique playing styles and behaviors. Gamers who are able to bump up their career earnings can unlock custom clothes, accessories, and invitational events found only in the PSP version.

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror US ver.

Gabe Logan returns in this exclusive PlayStation Portable mission. Gamers assume the identity of Gabe Logan, a highly-trained Precision Strike Operative, commanding a black box United States Agency that legally doesn't exist. As Gabe, players will have to strategize quickly, as he is responsible to infiltrate, recon and execute decisively. Once inserted, Logan is his own authority -- making life and death decisions, quickly choosing his course of action. An immersive single-player experience also delivering an evolving online multiplayer experience, Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror features melee attacks, target lock, precision aiming, target and vision enhancements, enhanced artificial intelligence (AI), and high-tech weaponry. Gamers can choose between difficulty modes that monitor and adjust skill level, multiple unique online maps using both Ad Hoc and Infrastructure connectivity, and four types of gameplay modes in multiplayer.

More screens and info at Success HK
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