Posted By: pspmodel1001
Ketchup and others have already decrypted the latest PSP Firmware v4.00, heres the translated details:

The firmware 4.00 will not take long and here is a snapshot of the resource directory of flash0.
Many PRX were changed such that pops popsman, npdrm, np9660, mlnbridge, sysmem, umdcache, sysconf, video, etc.. Good news, it will not pose too many problems for future adaptation for a Custom firmware.
Please note that the NIDS do not seem to have been changed but the file pafmini has yet changed what can possibly ask for the concerns of some compatibility issues.
This suggests that a custom Firmware based on firmware 4.00 will be rapidly introduced. Please note that the M33 team announced the 4.00 wait to get back to work. According to our sources, it should be, but we will discuss later in the evening or tomorrow morning.
Awesome news for the PSP Scene
via pspgen