Posted By: wraggster
A new firmware for the PSP has been released at the Korean Playstation site, heres the info:
• "It enjoyed PLAYSTATION Network tie frames and the function for was strengthened." <-- no idea... maybe compatibility is improved?
• Function to record MPEG-4 AVC from LocationFree Player. Model LF-PK20 (Japan) or LF-B20 and LF-B10 (United States) LocationFree™ base stations are required for this.
• "Memory economy" function added to Web Browser settings
• "Dynamic normalizer" function added in Sound settings.
Memory economy:
When using the Web Browser, it uses less memory. However, picture quality decreases.
Dynamic normalizer:
The volume level for playing music is regulated.
Will we see a new release for Jap, USA and Europe PSPs, well only Sony know that information.
Thanks to jas0nuk for the news