PSP Earth SHR - Summer Holiday Release
Hello there! This is the summer holiday release of PSP Earth, and this time it includes 13 webcams, which isnt as much as i promised, but its a start!
I hope you like the new GUI which is also in beta stages, and it will improove in version 0.5
*Installing Instructions*
1.) Download 'PSP Earth'
2.) Extract it using either WinRar or Windows xp self extractor tool, or any other software.
3.) Read the readme file, wait, i guess your already here, unless you can mind read? :P
4.) Copy the folder 'PSP Earth SHR' (you may have renamed it) to the ROOT of your psp memory stick
5.) Quit USB transfer
6.) Click Internet Browser from the XMB (xross media bar)
7.) Type the URL (file:/PSP Earth SHR/index.html) *without brackets*
8.) Enjoy and use resonsibly!
*Using Instructions*
1.) From the first screen, click on webcams at the top ^
2.) Once on webcams, click on a continent.
3.) Once on continents, click on a country
4.) Once on a country, click on an area
5.) Once on an area, click on a webcam
6.) The webcam will refresh and the page may upload causing it to buffer
7.) It is normal for the webcam to maybe (freeze, delay, crash, buffer) etc...
1.) PSP System
2.) Firmware with internet support and java support
3.) Wireless Internet Connection
4.) Memory Stick DUO *or host the files on your own server*
5.) USB Transfer Cable / Memory Stick DUO Card Reader
6.) Fast Internet Connection (1MB+) Preferable
*Terms And Conditions*
PSP Earth is copyrighted to Cybo Studios. PSP Earth was created and first programmed in 2006 under the original code name PSP Cam, We then changed due to the camera accessory which may have confused things. You may not use content PSP Earth without
asking for permission before hand. If you would like to put this on your website then we will have no objections! Please also feel free to add more webcams but do not host a new version of the software with your added cams without asking first.
*Privacy Policy*
Everyone has a right too choose whether or not to be on face to the public, which is why if you feel a webcam is discriminating you, then we will take the webcam off the software!
These webcams are not controlled by Cybo Studios and we are not responsible for any content that might be showed on a camera.
If you are offended by anything that gets shown on the camera then please contact us and we will try and identify the problem.
Thankyou for downloading PSP Earth and we hope you enjoy it! Please note this software is still in beta devlopment stages!