Posted By: Chameleon
A group of russian hackers have released a new PSP custom firmware based on the new 3.51 firmware.
DCEMU Can Confirm it Working 
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Here are the features :
- All functions of v3.51 firmware retained - PS1 support, high video resolution, MP3 visualizer, internet navigation, PS3 connection etc
- Launch Official UMDS which require v3.51 firmware
- Direct launching of homebrews and demonstrations
- Direct launching of PS1 images
- Ability to alter the CPU speed of the PSP
- Recovery mode
- Multi-region
- Bugfixes
- Customize all your icons etc
Heres the release notes:
PSP 3.51 M33 Installation
1 - If your PSP is in firmware 1.50, copy the folders kxploitpatcher and kxploitpatcher% which are in the "1.50only" folder to ms0:/PSP/GAME/ and run the patcher first.
2 - if you already have firmware SE/OE, copy the folder M33CREATOR to ms0:/PSP/GAME150 if you have 1.50 copy to ms0:/PSP/GAME
3 - Download the firmware update 3.51 and rename to 351.PBP and copy into the ms0:/PSP/GAME/M33CREATOR/ or for 1.50 users to ms0:/PSP/GAME150/M33CREATOR/
4 - Download the firmware update 1.50 and rename to 150.PBP and copy into the "ms0:/PSP/GAME/M33CREATOR/" or "ms0:/PSP/GAME150/M33CREATOR/"
5 - on your PSP, run the "3.51 M33 CREATOR". Once finished, the PSP will return to the XMB, and a new program, the "3.51 M33UPDATE" appears!
6 -now run "3.51 M33UPDATE".
7 - Once finishes, press on X to shutt off. Restart manually.
-M33 Team
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