Posted By: wraggster
Ufox has released a new app for the PSP, heres the details:

This PSP Content Manager is a handy PSP content management tool based on framework of PSP Homebrew Icon Sort Tool I released before.
You can use it to preview and manage PSP content stored in memory stick or in PC's harddisk with same folder structure used in memory stick.
File management, item sort, hombrew edit/Installation, MP4 title modifying, MP3/WMA tag edit and more are implemented functions of this single application.
Heres whats new:
+ ATRAC Tag Edit
Tested on ATRAC files created by SonicStage4.0
+ Video List Smart Drag&Drop
Files will be copy/cut into right folders and renamed if necessary when you drag&drop
files from windows explorer, unsupported files are ignored.
MP4 folders will be created automatically if not exists.
+ List Loading Log
PSPContentManager.log is used to log the loading process of lists.
If application crashs while loading lists, you can open this log file to see what happens.
This may help you to find out the item that caused the crash, and also help me to fix bugs.
+ Add Text Color to List Items
+ Fix Bookmark File Format Bug
Press "Apply Sort" on Bookmark List to fix bookmark file created by v1.0 that can't be loaded
by PSP internet browser.
+ Fix Some UI Bugs
- Microsoft.NET Framework v2.0 was no longer needed!
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via Ufox