Posted By: b8a

NJ has once again updated his CPS1 emulator, this time adding some control fixes and features.
Translated news from his web page:
cps1psp beta 2 binary Download
*replaced rominfo.dat
rominfo.dat for beta 2 Download
*forgot to update rominfo.dat in the zip file.
If you already downloaded beta 2, use this link to download and then replace this file.
If virthu (Varth (US)) doesn't work you're probably missing
The nessecary files are the parent set and the subset
The contents of are as below.
vau23a.bin ??CRC32 fbe68726
vae_28a.rom??CRC32 7a0e0d25
vae_29a.rom??CRC32 f2365922
vae_33a.rom??CRC32 5e2cd2c3
vae_34a.rom??CRC32 3d9bdf83
Please read readme_cps1.txt to see what's changed.
-Known bugs in beta 2-
Street Fighter II! - Champion Edition (V004) doesn't work. As with NGEPSP, I personally really don't care about bootlegs, so I won't be fixing this. Accordingly, it probably also won't work on any version here on out. Basically, you should consider yourself lucky if you get a bootleg set to work.
Translated "What's changed" contents of readme_cps1.txt:
beta 2
-Fixed a bug where the controls for length-wise games did not correctly reflect the rotation.
-Added Service Coin and Service Switch to Key Configuration.
beta 1
<Fixed Bugs>
-Fixed a bug causing slammast(mbomber) to freeze.
-Fixed a bug where the Key Configuration for slammast(mbomber) was only displaying two buttons.
-Fixed a bug with punisher, etc... where a portion of the sprited wasn't being displayed.
-Fixed a bug with pang3(Euro/Japan) where it wouldn't launch due to an EEPROM error.
-Fixed a bug where varth(US) wouldn't launch.
-Fixed a bug where the initial button setup on quiz games was odd.
<Added - Changed>
-Made it so that games that won't run in MAME won't launch. The effected games are the following 4: kodb, sfm1, sfm2, sfm3
-Made it so that the screen for length-wise games can be displayed rotated. For the effected games only, there is a Rotate Screen option added to Game Configuration and the default value is Yes. The resolution of the PSP screen is quite low and the resulting screen is small, but you'll just have to live with this.
Also, the screen turned on it's side is the correct way of diaplaying the screen. In order to return to this display, set Rotate Screen to No.
-I've made it so that it performs CPS's screen filp emulation. It's activated by changing a specific option under Dip Switch setting, but it normally isn't nessecary to change it.
-Made it so that the input buttons automatically adjust when the direction of the screen display is changed.
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