I'm pleased to announce that a BETA LiveCD for PS3s and PowerMacs is making it's way onto the Gentoo mirrors as I write this. The LiveCD can be found on the mirrors in the ppc64 experimental section. You can check out a screenshot from the LiveCD at:
The LiveCD works on PS3s and G5 Apple PowerMacs. It contains a full Gnome desktop as well as:
Firefox-2x (Bon Echo)
Among other things, we plan to add Thunderbird in the near future.
Please feel free to download and test the LiveCD; however, do not, under any circumstances, report bugs via Gentoo's official bugzilla mechanism. I'd prefer join us on #gentoo-ppc64 to report feedback.
Note to PS3 Users
The LiveCD contains a kboot.conf file which should allow you to boot the LiveCD. Choose the label that most closely matches your TV's resolution. This is an area where we plan to put some future enhancements.
Sound should be functional on the LiveCD. You need to unmute the master channel with the alsa-mixer application.
I would like to thank each of the following for their participation in the LiveCD creation: lu_zero, mtb, nickthecook, deadfall, wolf3l02, and mmschnei. Sorry if I missed anyone.