Posted By: wraggster
News from Destructoid:
Sometimes we get these tips that come out of left field. We got one late last night from reader Riku, who talks about his dad's unusual acquisition for his high-end audio setup:
My father's hobby is to search for "the perfect sound" making him a high-end audiophile. I was very surprised when I saw an old Playstation 1 (Version SCPH-1001/2) plugged into his super expensive audio rig. He told me, that that particular version of the console has RCA-inputs in the back which has a superb sound output. The console has become an underground sensation in the Hi-Fi scene. He told me to check out some articles at, an audiophile website.
So wait, the old beatup PS1 that I gave to my friend is a high-end audiophile machine? There's no way this can be true! Yet Riku was kind enough to provide us some links from 6moons that talk about the power of Sony's debut console. In one article:
During all this audio fun, my pal Pete Riggle stopped by with an audio underground digital favorite, the Sony PlayStation 1 (Model No. SCPH-1001). I had heard rumors of just how good this particular version of the PS1 is when used as a CD player and was curious to give it a listen. This kid's video game player really does have outstanding audio performance. I'm guessing you'd have to spend more than $6000 on a one-box CD player to equal let alone better it.
$6000? To eBay and beyond (the jump)!
[Thanks for the wonderful pic, Dyson!]
I'm impressed that Sony put together such high-end parts in the PlayStation 1 that it could produce such quality sound. Running a quick search on eBay for SCPH-1001 brings up consoles priced at $5-$35, way below the $6000 equivalent system. Another article provided to us says:
The Sony Playstation 1 SCPH-1001 is another giant killer that's a darling of the audio underground. If you're looking for audio sonic fireworks, the PS1 might not be your cup of tea but if you're looking for an outstandingly musical digital front end that can play music better than just about every multi-kilobuck digital source, look no further - way recommended.
Now, I want to ask all our audiophile readers out there (i.e. Dale North): what about the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3? Do these two later iterations of Sony's console keep up the good work and provide a great deal for audiophiles? Or instead, did Sony only provide mediocre parts for your sound system?
So the Mark 1 PS1`s are still good for something