Hi everybody,
Nickname: pspflashsystem
Projet name: prxutility++
From: France
Division: PSP APP
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Release 7.0:
* prxutility++ v.7.0 by pspflashsystem *
* *
* Visit my website: *
http://www.pspgen.com/~pspflashsystem/ *
* *
* *
* update: 19/03/2009 *
**********************Principe:******************* ***
From 30%, the led will flash slowly,
form 20%, the led will flash less slowly,
form 10%, the led will flash fast,
and from 5%, the led will flash faster.
**********************Last versions of prxutility++:**********************
###VERSION 1.0:###
With a combination of Key, you can:
-turn of the PSP
-reboot the PSP
-Set in sleep mode the PSP
-put the backlight on maximum
-put the backlight on minimum.
N.B: all combinations are detailled in an help menu.
Press L to display this menu.
###VERSION 2.0:###
-The Help menu is now accessible when you press L+NOTE and will disappear after some moments
-You can now acces a menu to have informations on your battery.
You can see the CPU and the BUS in this menu too.
Press NOTE+ VOLUP to acces this menu.
-Minor bugfixes.
###VERSION 3.0:###
-More informations in the battery menu:
* information Mac adress of your PSP.
* information on WLAN of PSP (possibility to know if WLAN button is ON or OFF and
if the WLAN operating normally)
* information on your motherboard(if it is a TA-79/81/82/86/85 or 85 V2 but for the TA-85 V2, I haven't got a PSP with this motherboard so I can't check if it runs.)
- You can personalize the menus with a new file.
- You can change buttons in a file called pspflashsystem.system located in "ms0:/SEPLUGINS/prxutility++/pspflashsystem.system".
N.B: * Default buttons to acces Help Menu are L+NOTE
* Default Buttons to acces information menu are NOTE+VOUP
* Use the "notepad" to open this configuration file
* All is detailled in this confguration file

- Fixed bug that caused affchage texts overlap when going from one menu to another
- Amelioration of the presentation of the information menu.
###VERSION 4.0:###
- compatibility with 4.01 M33 firmware
- Possibility to take screenshots (bmp format) with L+Home button (the screenshots will be save in ms0:/PICTURE/prxutility++shot)
- Now, when you acces to Help Menu, XMB will be blocked to avoid slowdown.
- Fixed some bugs
N.B: Graphics will be added soon.
###VERSION 5.0:###
* Code optimized
* Compatibilty with 4.01 M33 and 5.00 M33
* Changing location and configuration file name that allows you tu customize the two buttons to quit or display menus : now present in "ms0:/SEPLUGINS/prxutility++/configuration/prxutility++.ini"
* Changes at features adding :
- Reduce gradually backlight
- Increase gradually backlight
- Reduce CPU/BUS speed (following all values in vshmenu)
- Increase CPU/BUS speed (following all values in vshmenu)
- 2 modes integrated : "Preserving PSP Battery"
* When you active Hold : CPU and BUS speed becomes 65/28 MHz, and PSP screen is turned off,
Back light desactivated and buttons blocked
* With a buttons combo(here NOTE + START): CPU and bus speed becomes 65/28 MHz, PSP screen is turned off,
backlight desactivated but Ability to use XMB for listening musics and preserve your battery...
- Ability to customize your PSP (5.00 M33 and higher) by Memory Stick whithout modificate Flash0.
*Compatible Files for now:
osk_plugin_500.rco;if you are in 5.00 M33
* Tutorial :
Create a folder named "theme" at the root of Memory Stick
Put theme files(only those are compatible

)in this folder;
* prxutility++ check if files are present at PSP Boot to avoid bugs
* If you are in 4.01 M33 you can use this functionality but not put the file " osk_plugin_500.rco " in the dir " theme " because PSP can freeze and crash
* Changes in information menu:
- prxutility++ now detect almost motherboards :
TA-079 v1
TA-079 v2
TA-079 v3
TA-085 v1
TA-085 v2
TA-088 v1
- Display if you have Fat or Slim model
- Display your PSP tachyon model in hexadecimal
- Display your PSP baryon model in hexadecimal
- Integration of a button tester with the hexadecimal value of the pressed button and his name
- Display X positition of the analog
- Display Y positition of the analog
- All informations are in real time
* Changes in module "batalert":
- Now between 0 % and 5 % there is a visual alert which blinking and informs you about the charge level of your battery
* New menu : Configuration menu
- Ability to adjust blinking speed in seconds following battery level
between 30 and 20%;
between 20 and 10%;
between 10 and 5%;
between 5 and 0%;
- Ability to change language of prxutility++ (who affects configuration menu and help menu but for now not the information menu)
- Ability to delete the history and authentification informations of Web Brower
- Ability to change the two buttons to exit or display the menu by modifying the file pspflashsystem.ini (located in "ms0:/SEPLUGINS/prxutility++/configuration/prxutility++.ini")
- Display Memory Stick's Free Space
- Information about User Partition's memory
- Information about kernel Partition's memory
- When you're in this menu, buttons are blocked for a more confortable navigation in the configuration menu
* Changes in graphics:
- High improvent of the font (thanks to Darko79 for his header and for helping)
- The title (prxutility++...) "blink" now
- The configuration menu is framed for a better readability
* Bugs Fixes:
- If we hold SCREEN button the PSP doesn't freeze now
- Now when the backlight is desactivated the information menu exits automatically to not overload PSP's memoryP
- Menus and features run faster now
- prxutility++ check, to prevent bugs, if traduction and customisation files are present in their respectives folders
- Ability to use a single customizable button to display menus(for more informations, read prxutility++.ini)