Posted By: wraggster
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Codestation joins the PSP Genesis competition (The first homebrew contest organized by all the major PSP scene websites, more than 4500$ to win!) with a very useful plugin. The author has been continuously updating this plugin and taking into account users feedback since the first release a few days ago, making it an already very popular plugin in the community.
Quoting the author:
This is a screenshot plugin that doesn’t need to pause the game to take the capture (useful for avoid lag disconnects on online/adhoc gaming) and classifies the images per game using their name and icons (just like the very few games that come with native screenshot support).

The current version is 0.2.2, here is the full changelog:
- v0.2.2:
- Added support for POPS (PSone games support).
- Added support for storing the screenshots into the M2 in the PSPGo.
- Added logging and made it conditional on build when compiling from source.
- Fixed bug with XMB icon creation introduced in 0.2.0.v0.2.1:
- Added OIL to blacklist.v0.2.0:
- Removed trailing “/” so the directory creation don’t fail.
- New configuration file (prxshot.ini) so now you can configure some things
like background use for picture folders, change the button combo to take
the screenshot and the suffix/prefix of the picture file.v0.1.3: - Create /PSP/SCREENSHOT in case it doesn’t existsv0.1.2:
- Rewrote asm payload code (doesn’t need memory allocation anymore so hopefully the issues with 6.20 / aLoader are finally fixed)v0.1.1:
- Fixes bugs with 6.20 TN and/or aLoader
What else? Well, it’s highly configurable, open source, works on most recent firmwares… the kind of plugin that reminds me that user mode access is not always good enough 
download here