-This is a new windows program that will allow you to easily install PRX's for Firmware with the ability to load plugins.
-You will need .NET 2.0
-It's currently in it's infant stages. I just started writing this yesterday
-It will allow you to selected from Prxs that are in the applications Prx folder
-It will not overwrite the game.txt, vsh.txt, etc... Just add to it.
-It will autodetect your playstation drive
-Please let me know of any bugs or enhancements you would like to see aaron_bond@yahoo.com
-Sorry for taking so long to release my first PSP Related application but I've only had my PSP for about a Week
-But you may have seen my work if you have a Xbox1 I created a Xbox1 tool a while back called PreXboxCopyTool.
---Future Plans---
-Add ability to uninstall Prx's (Really an entire managment of them instead of just an install)
-Add ability for homebrew software too not just prxs
-Do not allow to many prxs in the ini
-Add ability to enable\disable prxs using the config.bin file
-Plus many more
---Possible Other Projects---
-If CWCheat ever gets the USB fixed in 3.51 - 3.52 for non POPS games I would like to create a new application. This appliation will be for windows and will allow very advanced cheat code searching. It will have all the search features of CWCheat but be in windows using the CWCheat dump files. I know CWCheat already has a windows app but it's horrible to use and takes forever. This one will be much like the cheat menu built in and autodetect new dumps. It will also have some advance search features not avialible in CWCheat like Percentage Search. Also this would allow for immediate updating of CWCheat database when new codes are found.
-Please send any suggestions to bugs to aaron_bond@yahoo.com
-This is the first readme I've ever created so if you have any suggestions I would appreciate those also. Thanks.
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