After a period of calm in the world of custom firmware , something finally moved horizon. A few days ago, the coder HrÃ*mfaxi (aka liquidzigong ) has released a mod for the CF 3.5 GEN- C that for sure will make happy owners with TA- 088v3 PSP 2000 and PSP 3000.
This mod whose code name is 5.3 Prometheus, Will also launch the latest titles released that require firmware 6.20.
More to follow in the box .
* UPDATE *: HrÃ*mfaxi releases the first update to its CF 5.3 Prometheus , which is its improved form Prometheus , to improve compatibility. To follow the link to download.
* Update2 *: E ' available for download v3 of the Prometheus 5:03 .
Installation procedure
1. Install and run ChichHEN (or MHUSpeed )
2. Install CF 5.3 GEN- C
3. Extract the archive file 5.3 Prometheus PSP / GAME
4. Start the installer 3.5 Prometheus
5. Install the 5.3 Prometheus pressing