Posted By: wraggster
News from Gladiator:

Hi, This is a release from Raisen, I'm a betatester.
* Compatible with PSP Fat & Slim
* Compatible con Custom Firmware 5.00 M33-X (X = All updates).
* Programmed in C with Vlf library.
Note: It must work in Other Custom Firmwares like 4.01 M33 etc, but it isn't tested..
Note: It isn't compatible with ChickHen, but not tested with CFE.
It have a lot of caracteristics and you can see it on the image. It's like a All In One(AIO)
* Credits
o Programmed By Raisen
o Graphics by Leinad
o Betatesters: Zheive, Gladiator, Kravenbcn and Mizar
o Specials Thanks to Zheive and Adrin.
o Thanks to Dark_AleX by all Cfs
o WebSite of the autor -
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