Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Art:

Hi Guys,
This game is my homage to the Amiga family of computers.
Powernoid is a breakout clone with powerups based on Megaball for the Amiga,
which also later inspired DX-Ball for Windows.
This update gave me a chance to use my Intrafont sine wave display,
The new wobbly ball powerup and moving objects also based on the sine wave routine.
There are also some significant bug fixes, and this one has in game music by Drax.
Powernoid V4c (01/01/09):
Implemented Mikmod player for in game music.
One more extra life powerup brick added to game.
Improvement to sound routine so powerup samples are always played.
Increased pause duration between stages, new ball in play, and game pause with Home button.
Small display bug fix for game over where extra life powerup brick is displayed.
Change to high score encryption so the save file is incompatible with previous versions.
Powernoid V4b (01/01/09):
Bullets on either side of paddle now operate independently.
Fixed collision detection for powerup bricks that have multiple colours.
Moving barriers implemented in some stages.
Moving bricks implemented in stage 2.
Added Megaball style powerup description screen to intro.
Added powerup brick for extra life.
Change to high score encryption so the save file is incompatible with previous versions.
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