I've continued my portage of Nehe tutorials to PSPGL.
You can find it here:
In this archive you will not find Nehe tutorials 13, 14, 15 and 18.
Because for 13, 14, 15 we need a font system and for the 18 we need too many functions not implemented in PSPGL.
In order to port some of those tutorial I needed to modify PSPGL. You will need this version in order to compile and run all the tutorials.
You'll find my modified version of PSPGL here:
The modifications are (you can also read "_change.txt" in the archive for a more detailled list):
- you can modify the keys repeating with function "glutKeyRepeat" (beware this function doesn't exit in real OpenGL)
- a bug in glFog is fixed
- I made Display Lists "flavour" functions: it's not as efficient as the real one but (at least) it's compatible. Not all PSPGL functions are supported in Display lists but you can modify them easily (glTexCoord4f IS THE PERFECT SAMPLE FOR DISPLAY LISTS MODIFICATION but don't forget to add function's prototype and an enum element at the end of "pspgl_internal.h", add function code in "glDisplayList.c" and function's name in __pspglFunctionToCall array allways in "glDisplayList.c")
Some last words :
- I do not plan to port much more Nehe tutorials.
- I hope if you modify some fuctions to make them compatible with display lists you'll send me the code (write PSPGL in the subject of the mail else it will be automatically erased)
- I hope someone will fix the clipping problem in PSPGL!!!!!
- if you make some cool stuff PLEASE SHARE it with the PSP community and post your code