kennethdm has released a new game for the PSP, heres the info from the coder:
<blockquote>This is my first homebrew attempt, it's a simple game, but not so easy to win. The goal is simple, you have to find out what the secret code is.
Using left and right on your analog pad, you select the circle.
Using up and down you change the cirle's color.
If you are satisfied with the colors of the row, press cross,
now the little circles will show how good your guess was:
-the number of green circles is the number of correct colors at the correct place
-the number of blue circles is the number of correct colors at the incorrect place
This game is limited to 6 attempts, it is based on mini mastermind which is a mini version of the original mastermind.
If feedback is positive, I plan on expanding the game with the following:
-more (and harder) game modes
-high score list
-two player mode (one player inputs the code, the other one has to crack it)