Posted By: wraggster
News/release via Moneytoo:

Hello everybody
There were some annoying things for me in PMP Mod AVC (Video Player for PSP) . Through my poor PSP programming experiences, I did some changes. The most important imo was the time and battery display in PMP (have no wrist watch and dont use irShell :-) ) and some subtitle stuff. Feel free to use if you like it. Never mind if you dont. :-)
Verison 1.02M_g (11.01.07) tuned by madruscoe:
- fixed freezing when displaying osd without inserted battery
- fixed completing description of controls (some left)
Verison 1.02M_f (11.01.07) tuned by madruscoe:
- fixed single line subtitle limit in .sub file (now if its more than 62 chars, new line is added so subtitles are displayed correctly - no more gray strokes)
- added extension .avc is supported and displayed in filelist
- added basic support for analogue pad (only up/down in filelist)
Version 1.02M_e (10.01.07) tuned by madruscoe:
- fixed deleting (not disappearing dialog window)
- added elapsed/remaining time display (press X + start)
Version 1.02M_d (09.01.07) tuned by madruscoe:
- added description of controls (press square in filelist)
Version 1.02M_c (09.01.07) tuned by madruscoe:
- added display subtitles up, when the bar is shown
Version 1.02M_b (09.01.07) tuned by madruscoe:
- added left battery life time on status bar during video play
- added deleting only .pos file (press SELECT - O to confirm)
Version 1.02M_a (09.01.07) tuned by madruscoe:
- added time and battery on status bar during video play (audio stream and loop hided - no use for me)
Version 1.02M_ (06.01.07) tuned by madruscoe:
- fixed file info date display (maybe only my problem cause of using xvid4psp)
- fixed units Mb -> MB etc.
- added deleting .pmp including .sub, .srt, and .pos files
- added actual time display (press Start button to refresh)
- added battery status (percent) and time left
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