Posted By: wraggster
New release from Madruscoe:
Hello everybody
There were some annoying things for me in PMP Mod AVC. Through my poor PSP programming experiences, I did some changes. The most important imo was the time and battery display in PMP (have no wrist watch and dont use irShell :-) ) and some subtitle stuff. Feel free to use if you like it. Never mind if you dont. :-)
Analogue stick in filelist:
- up/down = up/down
- left = exit
- right = play
Headphones/remote control in filelist:
- forward = down
- back = up
- play/pause = play
Thumbnails are .png files with resolution 96x54 px. They can be created on pc and correctly named (movie.pmp, movie.png...) but when .pos file are generated, png will be overwritten by new screenshot.
- better interface (gui), graphics (I have no much time )
- analogue pad/remote control support during video play (?)
- directory support in filelist (important!)
- standby support (?)
- playlist

Verison 1.02M-I (02.02.07) tuned by madruscoe:
- fixed displaying long filenames in deleting dialog window
- added ability to set any brightness you want (included 4th brightness
What to do with these files/folders? Where to place it?
- If you are running SE or OE firmware, place "__SCE__PMPMODAVC" and "%__SCE__PMPMODAVC" to \PSP\GAME150 folder on your memory stick (or set kernel to 1.50 and put it in GAME folder). Otherwise (running 1.50) place it to \PSP\GAME.
Where to place video(s)?
My videos not playing...
- Make sure you use PMP (1) AVC videos (encoded) and NOT PMP 2. Files are allowed have extension .pmp or .avc.
So what application shall I use for encoding?
- Personally I use and recommend you XviD4PSP having plenty of setting for encode (like cropping etc.). Of course you can use any encoder you like which support PMP AVC. Anyway the encoding take pretty loooong time (6 fps on AMD Duron 800 MHz, 20 fps on Intel Celeron 1.7 GHz...). If you are not so experienced with encoding video see some guide at this forum that helps you get the best video quality ;-). Another supported tool is AVItoPMP.
- Yes. At first, if you need some special character encoding, delete font10.f (in __SCE__PMPMODAVC folder) and rename for example font10_centraleuropean.f to font10.f. (You can make your own font, see raphael’s devblog and get latest FontGenerator).
If your movie title is "Movie ABC.pmp" then I recommend you to name subtitles "Movie ABC.sub" or "Movie" to work correctly.
Reasons why to use PMP Mod AVC:
- PMP Mod AVC runs 120 MHz so you can play videos longer (than with 222 MHz)
- subtitles can be placed as a separate (.sub) file so you can during playback switch color/font... turn off/on them
- support for more than one audio stream
- support for possition - playing starts from time you last stop the video even when you turn off the psp
- no need flashing your psp to enjoy the full resolution
- volume boost can the audio make louder
Why to use MP4 in 3.03 OE:
- you save about 15 second (no reboot of psp to load homebrew) but lost some time looking for the possition you last time stop your video (not standby but turn off psp) and even hours cause of the processor frequency
- user interface may look better for you
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