Several plugins for PCSX2 (PlayStation 2 emulator for PC) were updated.
It's summer vacations for most of us and as you've seen PCSX2 development has been pretty slow these days!
But, some great plugins for PCSX2 have recently got updated and are worth mentioning:
Gsdx 0.1.9: Gabest releases yet another version of his fast DX9 / DX10 GS plugin improving speed and compatibility.You can get it from our downloads page
Lilypad 0.9.4: Chickenliver keeps updating this pad plugin with constant bug fixes and features,so be sure to check it out.Also in our downloads
Gigaherz's cdvd plugin v0.7 WIP 3: A new CDVD plugin by Gigaherz which is in very early stages but making progress.You can download it and give it a try in this emuforums thread here
That's it for now,I'll try to keep updating the download section with the new releases.
Enjoy your summer vacations people.