September 9th, 2013, 22:48 Posted By: wraggster
Sony following from the success of the announcement of the PS4 have today thrown a curveball into the arena with the announcement of the PSVita Slim and also PSVita TV.

The new look version of the PlayStation Vita has today been confirmed by Sony Japan. It is scheduled to be released in Japan on October 10th and will cost the equivalent of £122/$180. The unit looks similiar to the design of the Vita you have now but will be 20 per cent thinner and 15 per cent lighter, one downer is the omission of an OLED screen. One bonus is that battery life is now up to six hours and 1GB of on-board memory is now added. It will also come in a range of colours including white, black, grey, blue, yellow and pink. No dates for release in the UK/USA as of yet.

Sony also sprang the PS Vita TV onto us today. PSVita TV is a microconsole that plugs directly into a user’s TV and allows them to play Vita and PSP games using a DualShock 3 controller, as well as access streaming video and TV services. The unit is 10cm long and 6cm wide. PS Vita TV will launch in Japan on November 14th priced at £61/$100. A bundle including an 8GB memory card and joypad will cost £92/$130.
PSVita TV will work with Rayman Origins, Persona 4, Dead or Alive 5 Plus and Final Fantasy X and X-2 HD Remastered, God Eater 2, Ragnarok Odyssey, Earth Defense Force 3 and Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Sony have said the console will work with a game library some 1,300 titles strong spanning releases for Vita, PSP and the original PlayStation.
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