Posted By: wraggster
News/release from pasky
Heres the full details:
PEC is a plugin for EPSXE that basically contains a large database of gameshark codes for playstation games.
The conversion isn't 100% compatible because PEC uses what I would call an array of codes.
Codes such as "Weapon modifier 1" 12341234 00??
01 "Sword"
02 "Shield"
Only the modifier code will be written and not the variations. (Only 12341234 00?? is written).
Also, Some of the Sony codes (SLUS,SLES) are incorrect, a lot are displayed as 00000. Be sure to double check your particular game and input the correct one.
Requires the .NET 2.0 Framework:
The Converter Can Be Gotten Here:
Simply open select the Convert button and open the PEC database file which can be gotten from the official site:
Or here (may not be up long):
*NOTE* CWcheat cannot support large database files, it is a limitation of the PSP memory. Weltall may or may not have plans to develop a workaround. Since the PEC database is pretty damn huge after conversion (3.19MB) The game will crash when loading it. So I suggest you use the database editor to cut down on the codes you do not want and keep the file size under 300KB to be safe before using it.
He also posted this release:
Gameshark to CWcheat formatter:
It's strictly for's codes. All you have to do is copy everything on the table from
Paste it into Notepad and save it in its original format:
Will be output as the Following
Then open the text document with my converter and it will ask you to save it to a *.db file.
NOTE: It won't convert Caetla codes on located on the site, it will just skip them (no point anyways since the gameshark version is always there)
Notify me of any problems. Thanks.
Requires .NET 2.0 Framework: Gameshark Codes to CWcheat:
Downloads Via Links Above
via pasky