November 18th, 2005, 00:06 Posted By: wraggster
Psilocybeing has released pIRC for the PSP, heres the info:
This is pIRC, an IRC client for the PSP, using the wireless internet connection. It is a hacked together version of danzels 'peldet' Telnet client. Many thanks to him for releasing the source code!
So far, it can connect to a server, join a channel, and send messages to that channel using p-sprint.
You won't be able to send raw commands, so to quit you will have to make do with the power button for now 
I'll work on tidying up the recieve code, so we can actually SEE what people are saying, instead of all the information the server sends with messages.
Heres the info from 3 quick releases:
Moved code over to the newer version of peldet, making it easier to modify
Source included in package
Improved message handling
Exit button(hit start, with an empty p-sprint box)
Initial release, limited features
This will be a brief readme, but it should have everything you need to hear in it.
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