I was tired of creating and demuxing my movies for the psp,sooo... I pimped up PMP Mod and made a realtime streaming/scaling/demuxing Windows server...
USAGE PiMPStreamer 0.12:
Only tested for version 1.50 psp's
Edit pmp.ini in dir PMPSTREAM, change the IP to your windows machine. For the stream AND net section.
Install PiMPSTREAM and PiMPSTREAM% in PSP/GAMES on your PSP. Triagle to
quit, cross to start movie. Press start to refresh the list.
Pressing square will pause (and fill up some buffers)
Pressing cross will play again
Only tested on Window 2000 prof. Startup the windows PiMPStreamer.exe, it will startup a server on port 3333