The PCSX2 Team have released a new public beta of their PS2 Emulator for Windows:
Pcsx2 beta 1329
- Microvu added as an additional cpu option. To use it, enable both the new options in the cpu tab. Expect problems.
- Quite some work on vif, gif and path 3. Quite a few of the games that had problems with 1190 due to this should now work.
- Increased the EErec's stack memory from 64k to 128k, since there's no reason to be frugal there anymore
- Improved the cpu speed/ghz detection. It should be a bit more accurate, and is faster (pcsx2 startup times are near instantaneous now)
- Some emitter changes
- Some general cleanups to vtlb's memory protection and recompiled block
integrity checking systems.
- Usual code cleanups and optimizations
Known issues:
Front mission 4 hangs
Ar tonelico 1 hangs
Many Gust games show black screen (ar tonelico 2, atelier iris 3...). To solve, press F1 when that happens (yeah, random... but hey it kinda works)