Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Vodkkaa:

Pandora Recovery Menu by vodkkaa
~Based on Jas0nuk's Elf_Menu, aswell as code from Chilly Willy, and cory 1492
What it is?
This is a replacement for resurrection.elf of your pandora memory stick. Similar to Jas0nuk's Elf Menu this menu will allow you to launch user created elf/prx/eboot aswell as some useful built in features. It is meant to act as a secondary recovery menu.
THIS OFFERS 100% COMPATIBILITY FOR PHAT PSP, BUT UNKOWN FOR SLIM. as I dont have a slim I have no way to test for it.
- Toggle USB, Flash0, and flash1 from menu
- Battery options (servicemode, autoboot, dump/restore eeprom)
- IDstorage options (currently only dump keys, hopefully some more features in next release)
- Similtanious use of Original pandora menu, aswell as deparator cemetario V3. (a previous issue where flashing a new firmware was broken due to DCv3 is now fixed.)
How to use
you will need:
- PSAR dumper
- 1.50 EBOOT
- Desparator Cemetario V3
1. Dump encrypted 1.50 Eboot using PSAR dumper. Save these files safely on you PC.
2. Now preapre your memory stick with desparator del cemetario V3.
3. Copy your encrypted 1.50 dump (vsh, font, dic, kd, data folder) to the root of you memory stick
5. Copy the provided KD folder to ms0:/kd folder
6. Copy the ELF folder to the root of your MS. Some elfs have been provided. check the "files" folder for descriptions
7. Everything should be ready.
6. Restart your PSP into service mode and you should be presented with the new Pandora Recovery menu.
Since Im a kind fellow Im also including a modified version of Booster's IPL Milti_Loader. Its only a cosmetic update, allowing you to boot into service mode with Wlan switch up, instead of holding LTrigger.
- To install simply edit the .bat to include the drive letter of your PSP. By default it is M:.
- Connect your PSP and run the bat and the IPL will install. Restart with WLan switch up to boot Pandora.
- Only known issue is that if you put your PSP into stanby, when you return you will boot into the vsh, unless the WLAN switch is up. I havnt looked at the Multiloader source close enough, but I will soon fix this.
Note: Full credit for this should go to Booster, as I only changed 2 lines of code.
Bugs/Known Issues
- From my testing I have not come across any. I have tested all functions of this menu on my PSP and I can safely say there should be no accidents when flashing over usb, writing battery serial code, flashing NAND, etc...
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