Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Gefa:

PaintMIXER is a drawing homebrew written in LUA, a clone of the well-known MSPaint.
- Pencil Tool
- Line Tool
- Eraser Tool
- Rectangle Tool -empty or full-
- ChooseColor Tool
- Zoom Tool
- Triangle Tool
- Irradia Tool
- Move Tool
- Filling Tool
- Graffiti Tool
- Circle Tool
- Ellipse Tool
- Brush Tool - 4 types -
- Text Tool. Initially, are available 27 fonts.
- Options Menu, in the witch is possible:
- Begin a new picture
- Load a new picture
- Save the picture in two possibles formats: PNG or JPG.
- Change analog sensibility
- Choose a custom color
v 2.6.0 ->
- Now is possible to add new fonts. To do it, rename your font, increase the 'font_limit' variable present in the ini file, and copy your font in the resource/font directory.
- Small improvements at the tools rectangle, circle, irradia.
- Fixed some bugs.
- Added a new option in the ini file, in the witch is possible to change the default analog sensibility.
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