Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Gefa:
Today, I have released a new version of my drawing homebrew, PaintMIXER v2.1.0, a program that recalls MSPaint.
This is the changelog:
ChangeLog PaintMIXER
v 1.0.0 -> First release.
v 1.0.1 -> Save's bug fixed.
v 2.0.0 -> Added in the programs directory a file .ini, in which you can change some settings program.
Added functionality Rettangolo
Added functionality ScegliColore
Added functionality Zoom
Added functionality Cerchio
Added functionality Pennello
Added functionality Graffiti
Added functionality Riempi
Added functionality Muovidisegno
Added a menu with different features
v 2.1.0 -> Now the X, Y coordinates are approximate
Added the battery status
Added an option in the file ini

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