While Fumito Ueda’s recent statement sparked speculation that The Last Guardian would now be heading to PS4, it was conspicuous by its absence at yesterday’s PlayStation Meeting.While Ueda has parted company with Sony Japan and Team Ico, he remains the project’s lead and last week said that details of the game’s release remain solely in the charge of Sony, adding, “Please keep an eye out for their official announcement”.It was the timing of the statement, just ahead of the PlayStation Meeting, combined with its long delay that led many to believe that the project had shifted formats.Of course, Sony could be holding the game back for an E3 reveal, and there is a slim possibility that the game, if it ever sees release, will launch on PS3 and PS4 – though it seems unlikely that the struggling development team would be able to find the resources to handle both versions simultaneously.We’ll have to wait until June to find out more.