Posted By: odino
NJ has posted some excellent WIP news over at his site of his latest project for the PSP, A CPS1 Emulator, CPS stands for Capcom Play System which supports some of the best Arcade games ever.

Our excellent translator b8a has posted what NJ posted on his site:
Originally Posted by NJ
Under Development
CAPCOM CPS1 Emulator for PSP
Development Status:
Video emulation: 50% - row scroll not implemented.
Sound emulation: 10%
Input emulation: 80%
CPU emulation: 80%
As I've achieved my initial goal, I decided to go ahead and post the news.
Everything other than scroll 2's row scroll, screen flip, and rotation (which probably won't be implemented), the video emulation is complete, and everything else is far from ready. SFZ CPS Changer version is also currently working.
It feels like Final Fight and Street Fighter 2 are a little on the slow side.
This is just at the stage where I've just got it working and I haven't made any optimizations yet, but it's guaranteed to get even slower when Row Scroll is implemented.
As for CPS2, the M68000 memory access causes a drastic drop, so I think it'd be pretty challenging to accomplish.
Not to mention that there's not enough memory for most of the games.
Excellent news for the PSP Scene.