Nearly 70% of readers said they are most looking forward to Wii. 21% voted for PlayStation 3, while the others voted for systems already released. 88.4% of readers believe PlayStation 3 is too expensive, while 10% believe it's "about right".
Readers have also been voting on the most important announcements to come out of E3.
Famitsu readers' biggest news of E3
1. PlayStation 3's price and release date announcement
2. Final Fantasy XIII announcement
3. Nintendo's Wii price/release date no-show
4. Nintendo Wii title line-up announcement
5. Announcement of Super Smash Brothers X on Wii
Readers also voted in the game they are most looking forward to...
1. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
2. Final Fantasy XIII
3. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots