Night Slashers X by BonusJZ is a new openbor mod for systems such as PSP.
Description: So here it is after long wait lurking in shadows, creatures of night rise again and will hunt for brains.
3 Players :
Chistopher - famous vampire hunter
Jack - monster hunter with cybernetic arms
Jasmin - martial artist
Totally redesigned and rebalanced gameplay which is now faster and more bloody.
6 new deadly weapons: including such flash choppers as chainsaw or axe, brain blowers as shotgun, machingun and grenade
Totally new openbor game mechanic: slashback, guardcounter, recover and ground finishers
Desperation moves
New combo and scoring system
Scripted continue screen
Enormous amount of moves per character: including charging moves, grapples, throws and juggle system
Polished levels that contain more background layers and new stage effects
More that few hundreds edited frames - including flying zombie guts
New music track
8 Big stages with sublevels, stage openings and many, many big bad bosses
3 Endings